9) Don’t berate a player for the way the played their hand. Blackjack players are particularly notorious for doing so, thinking that “unnecessary hitting” throws off the game by disrupting the order that cards are dealt. While this may be true, unconventional Toto SGP plays are just as likely to positively influence a game as they are to negatively influence it. Besides, players who blame others for their losses should not be gambling in the first place.

Casino Toto SGP Gambling Etiquette

Here are 10 things you should avoid doing at a Casino:


1) Don’t try to buy in or cash out while a game is in play. Wait until between hands after the dealer has paid out any bets from the previous round. Ask for change and place your cash or chips on the table, rather then handing them directly to the dealer.


2) Don’t make a mess out of your chips. When making a bet, do not splash all your chips out on the table; gently place your ships on the table in a stack. When betting with chips of mixed denominations, stack your chips so that the highest denomination is on the bottom and the lowest is on top. Doing so makes it easier for dealers to count your chips, give proper change, and keep an eye out for cheaters that may be trying to “top off” a bet.


3) Don’t drink too much. We are all out to have a good time, but know your limit so you aren’t having fun at the expense of others. Drunk people tends to slow games down, make annoying conversation, and kill the overall mood at a table.


4) Limit yourself to one machine at a time when a particular bank of machines is busy. Playing multiple machines at the same time does not improve ones odds, so if it is busy, leave room for someone else to play. For table games, do not take up extra chairs or space around a particular table so that there is room for others to play.


5) Don’t forget to tip your dealer, EVEN IF YOU LOSE. Most dealers, like many other service based industries, make minimum wage + tips. My general philosophy is to tip 2/3 based on service, and 1/3 based on my winnings (if any).  Not tipping a dealer because you lost is the equivalent of not tipping a perfectly good waitress/waiter because you didn’t like the flavor of the soup that you ordered.


6) If you smoke cigarettes, try to be respectful of others around you. Extinguish an dispose of your butts in an ashtray, and exhale smoke upward rather than towards the other players and dealers around you.


7) Don’t forget to use hand signals. Casinos are loud and noisy places and it may be hard for a dealer to hear what you want to do. Hand signals are easy to interpret, and can be reviewed by video footage if there is a question about a particular play.


8) For games in which cards are dealt face up, don’t touch them. In games which you are allowed to touch the cards, only do so with one hand. Touching the cards with multiple hands is a signal to the casinos that you may be trying to cheat by bending or “marking” specific cards in the a deck.


9) Don’t berate a player for the way the played their hand. Blackjack players are particularly notorious for doing so, thinking that “unnecessary hitting” throws off the game by disrupting the order that cards are dealt. While this may be true, unconventional Toto SGP plays are just as likely to positively influence a game as they are to negatively influence it. Besides, players who blame others for their losses should not be gambling in the first place.


10) Resist the urge to give unsolicited advice. Not everyone is interested in playing “basic strategy” and they have every right to play their own game, even if it may not be an optimal strategy. Let people make their own fun.
